Resilient Neighbors Network Framework Plan [pdf]
Resilient Neighbors Network Community Profiles [pdf]
The Following US Communitites are Network Pilots
Among pilot communities in the widely-dispersed network of peer-to-peer communication, sharing, and support are:
- Jefferson County, WV
Primary Representative: Barbara Miller, Director, Homeland Security Department - Hillsborough County, FL
Primary Representative: Gene Henry, Director - Pasadena, TX
Primary Representative: Daya Dayananda, Assistant Director of Public Works - Grays Harbor County, WA
Primary Representative: Charles T Wallace, Deputy Director of Emergency Management - Tulsa Partners, Tulsa, OK
Primary Representative: Sheryl Siddiqui, Language & Culture Bank Secondary Representative: Bob Roberts, Tulsa Public Schools - Rockford, IL
Primary Representative: Marcy Leach, Engineering Operations Manager, Public Works Department, City of Rockford - Vermont
Primary Representative: Mike Kline, State Rivers Program Manager, DEC Watershed Management Division, Agency of Natural Resources - Augusta, GA
Primary Representative: Terri Turner, Development Administrator - Charlotte/Mechlenberg County, NC
Primary Representative: Tim Trautman - Centeral Shenandoah Valley Region, VA
Primary Representative: Rebecca Joyce, senior planner